Shane, Gary, Donald, Mark, Gary, Shane, John & Simon at Lough Dan
Adventure Centre |
Donald & Shane get the dinner going at the Smythe Cup finals last
August. |
Feeding time at the zoo for Gary, Simon, Gary, Donald, Mark, Shane, Shane
& John |
Do we have to go to bed after our tea? Shane is about to ask a
question...I can feel it!!! |
Simon and the two Shanes just hanging around |
The three cooks: Paul, (who ... is) Alice, Andy spoiling the broth |
Rathgar & Newry join forces for a trip to Alton Towers during Sherwood
'98. |
The opening ceremony at Sherwood '98 where the orgsnisers just gave
themselves a good pat on the back. |
I'm singing in the rain. Arru-cha-cha...Arru-cha-cha...Arru-cha-cha-cha. |
The leaders: Andy, Gavin & Paul in the cablecar in Alton Towers.
This photo now sits in Paul's apartment in Paris. Ahhhhh. |
Alan & Ralph (the usual suspects), Mark, Karl & Gary enjoying some
light refreshments on our way to Sherwood 98. |
Everyone going canoeing in Lough Dan in Christmas 98 in the freezing cold
water. Were we mad? |
The whole troop at Sherwood '98! I wonder how long it takes to
change the trees to say 2000...or does it say 00? |
Lough Dan, the site of Smythe Cup '99. |
Don't Look Down.......on Oblivion in Alton Towers! |